When I went ..::squeeeeel::.. she hugged the darn thing to her and wouldn't let me have it! She instead asked me what was in it. LOL I told her I didn't know and wouldn't if she didn't give me the box. Then all three girls decided they needed to fight me over opening it and try to get their grubby little hands on my stuff before I could take pictures. I threatened them with boarding school in Siberia and they backed off. ;) hehe So with out further time wasting here are the pics of my funness or the day :D

I got some very pretty Filatura Di Crosa Dusk in Colorway 2, 2 soy candlesthat smell yummy, a cute card and some sugar-free green apple mints in the tin. :) Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!
On the knitting front - Lily's scarf has been back burnered at the moment because I decided to be crazy and knit a baby blanket again. This time for my new niece or nephew due on Sunday. I figure since I won't be back up that way to spoil him/her yet until the 26th of this month - when we head that way for Mike's 10 year class reunion - that I have enough time to get it done. It's just a matter of learning how to read on my part. I've got the SSK and other confusion down that is in the pattern. But I had to tink back because I didn't read it right was was only repeating the last two lines of the repeat pattern portion. Oops! But here is what it looks like before the tinking had to happen.

The pattern is from Leisure Arts Baby Ripples to Knit #3159 By Melissa Leapman. Eyelet Ripple (pattern #3 in the book) is what it is called.
1 comment:
I forgot to tell you... I made the candles.... I hope you like them.
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