Well my schedule wasn't quite how I said it would go. The table wasn't cleaned off until this afternoon. The kids were at the door waiting until the oldest wandered away after I got there. We went to where I signed up for our cookie booth to be - they told me I was wrong - no booths here. So I went to the other movie place they said yup booth is here. We set up my youngest (whose booth it was) goes to the bathroom and has an accident. We head back toward home but stop at the school because it's closer. She had everything BUT underwear. I stole some from the office, the principal knew I did it. ;) We get back to the booth and then things seem to go good for the rest of the time. I get home am told sil is going to be late. I look at my paperwork - I was right on the location that I signed up for. I called the person in charge of the booths - he said yup you should have been there. WE lucked out on being able to even be at the other location because no one was signed up for that time there.
*Bangs head on wall repeatedly*
Friday, February 27, 2009
I swear there aren't enough hours in the day for all the crap I need to get done. Today alone is enough to make me want to pull my hair or have a big dessert (or drink) waiting for me at the end of the day. Here is my schedule so far:
now to 10:30 clean off my folding table to use it tonight, find a place for all the 'things' (read crap) on the table;
10:30 get ready for work;
11:00 leave for work, remember to check mailbox at school for booth change and check for cookies;
1:30 done working head to cookie cupboard to pick-up booth order for tonight; come home and figure out how to fit long folding table, 11 cases of cookies, booth posters, 3 girls and their backpacks into my Jimmy after school today;
3:30 pick girls up slightly early from school to get to booth on-time to set up;
4-6 pm cookie booth and listen to my girls whine about how hungry they are from lack of food (like I won't pack a snack or something >.> makes note now......);
6:15 pack up and head home for oldest and youngest to get picked up and leave for the weekend;
Eat and then crash in bed.
Cookie booth time drives me crazy and this year I got the brilliant idea to pick Friday nights vs. Saturday afternoons. Something to do with a few field trips already being scheduled on the mornings available or something like that. Which means I have to RUSH from the school to the booth spot and get it all set up and hope that the girls remember. Not to mention that I will have my 3 girls at both the Friday booths and only 1 is in the troop and works the first Friday only. ARGH!
The oldest and youngest are being kidnapped by my sister-in-law for the weekend so they can be fitted for flowergirl/jr bridesmaids whatever they heck they are going to be in my sil's wedding. 2 of them are wearing flowergirl dresses and the oldest is having a bridesmaid's dress altered to fit her. I'm not paying for them and sil picked them out so I'm not complaining about it......yet. As long as it all works out I'm ok with it.
Knitting news - nada, zip, zero, zilch, nothing. I got nothing. The dish/wash cloth is sitting next to me forgotten because of all the craziness that is my week, well next few weeks. But I am finishing it as soon as the table is cleared off. That should be on the list...... And somewhere in there I wanted to actually go workout HAHAHAHAHA Yeah I don't see that happening today at all unless I go back out tonight.
Off to do my list of chores... :)
now to 10:30 clean off my folding table to use it tonight, find a place for all the 'things' (read crap) on the table;
10:30 get ready for work;
11:00 leave for work, remember to check mailbox at school for booth change and check for cookies;
1:30 done working head to cookie cupboard to pick-up booth order for tonight; come home and figure out how to fit long folding table, 11 cases of cookies, booth posters, 3 girls and their backpacks into my Jimmy after school today;
3:30 pick girls up slightly early from school to get to booth on-time to set up;
4-6 pm cookie booth and listen to my girls whine about how hungry they are from lack of food (like I won't pack a snack or something >.> makes note now......);
6:15 pack up and head home for oldest and youngest to get picked up and leave for the weekend;
Eat and then crash in bed.
Cookie booth time drives me crazy and this year I got the brilliant idea to pick Friday nights vs. Saturday afternoons. Something to do with a few field trips already being scheduled on the mornings available or something like that. Which means I have to RUSH from the school to the booth spot and get it all set up and hope that the girls remember. Not to mention that I will have my 3 girls at both the Friday booths and only 1 is in the troop and works the first Friday only. ARGH!
The oldest and youngest are being kidnapped by my sister-in-law for the weekend so they can be fitted for flowergirl/jr bridesmaids whatever they heck they are going to be in my sil's wedding. 2 of them are wearing flowergirl dresses and the oldest is having a bridesmaid's dress altered to fit her. I'm not paying for them and sil picked them out so I'm not complaining about it......yet. As long as it all works out I'm ok with it.
Knitting news - nada, zip, zero, zilch, nothing. I got nothing. The dish/wash cloth is sitting next to me forgotten because of all the craziness that is my week, well next few weeks. But I am finishing it as soon as the table is cleared off. That should be on the list...... And somewhere in there I wanted to actually go workout HAHAHAHAHA Yeah I don't see that happening today at all unless I go back out tonight.
Off to do my list of chores... :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hehehe good times
So last night (well really a few hours ago now) some friends and I went out to celebrate one of their birthdays. We went to BD's Mongolian BBQ - if you have one local and haven't been go there before 4 pm (half price then) - awesome food. Mind you I don't drink much but when I do - look out. The last time we were here we had this Mango Madness drink and ordered them again. Well we were sat in HOT Joe's section. Two of us are married and the birthday girl is divorced........but we were ALL drooling over this cutie. I'll freely admit it. However I'm not the one who kept putting her foot in her mouth. :) We were his entertainment for the evening as he put it. LOL were we ever! Being that it was Tara's b-day she got a free dessert and he only brought one spoon and went in search or 2 more. Gen decided to not wait and after a few minutes took Tara's spoon when she wet it down and ate with that. She had tipped the dessert cup up to her mouth and Joe stopped by. He mentions that she is 'drinking that like a champ' and she just about spits it out. Then he says ' what am I going to do with you ladies?' At this time Tara and my drinks are gone but Gen still has some to go. She replies 'anything you want........did I just say that out loud?' We bust out laughing. Needless to say he got a good tip and when Gen payed with a credit card he asked to see ID - noted that she was from Florida and stated he would be moving there in about 6 months. As we wait for the receipt she says somthing silly about mentioning where she lives and if he is ever in the area to stop by her work (starbucks). Then she actually said it to him. We laughed harder at her.
We left and headed over to 5th Avenue in Novi. They had a live band - The Underdog. They were great I think there was only one song I didn't know the words to that they played. They even played "Video killed the Radiostar" by The Buggles - how cool is that (pretty cool I think!). But Tara only knew maybe 2 songs and kept looking at me weird for singing along to all their songs. I kept asking her how she didn't know the music because she is older than me and should have known The Buggles?!?! But we discovered a drink that really is dangerous - the Superman shot. Yummy and tastes like superman ice cream. I was DD and had fun watching them get smashed because let's face it I may be younger but I am a lightweight now. :)
Knitting news - 1 of 2 dish/wash cloths done and will have the other done tomorrow and be stopping at the post office or my local Meijer which ever is open when I venture out. Now it's bed time and strangely I am wide awake. This is not a good sign. Guess I have to go read myself to sleep now....
We left and headed over to 5th Avenue in Novi. They had a live band - The Underdog. They were great I think there was only one song I didn't know the words to that they played. They even played "Video killed the Radiostar" by The Buggles - how cool is that (pretty cool I think!). But Tara only knew maybe 2 songs and kept looking at me weird for singing along to all their songs. I kept asking her how she didn't know the music because she is older than me and should have known The Buggles?!?! But we discovered a drink that really is dangerous - the Superman shot. Yummy and tastes like superman ice cream. I was DD and had fun watching them get smashed because let's face it I may be younger but I am a lightweight now. :)
Knitting news - 1 of 2 dish/wash cloths done and will have the other done tomorrow and be stopping at the post office or my local Meijer which ever is open when I venture out. Now it's bed time and strangely I am wide awake. This is not a good sign. Guess I have to go read myself to sleep now....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I decided to start spinning some of my fiber that I am hoarding instead of knitting right now. This in particular is calling to me.....

I have a few projects that I want to get done for swaps but they require me to a) finish other projects to get the needles or b) buy new needles. I decided to procrastinate a little. Just a little. :) But really I plan to attack at least one of the projects later to get the needles and get that swap box out.
As requested I am letting you all know that I posted an entry on the Mom's who rock blog. I went with the classic of Becca and the shopping cart and how the Meijer floor won. Complete with pictures because I have already proven that I am a mean mom who documents everything. Well what I can remember to that is. :)
I suppose I should get some breakfast in me soon. It was an early morning with trying to convince the hubby that not all coffee tastes like "burnt plant" to use his words. He made some yesterday and used what should have been - for me at least - a 16 cup serving of grounds! So to save my coffee maker I made it this morning....well I set the timer last night to make it this morning. But I did get up and add the chocolate syrup and silk to it for him. He is at the starter level where it has to have a TON of sugar to make it good for him. I just laugh because I used to be that way before discovering the flavored coffees.
On a different note my brother called me last night to let me know my Dad is selling his house. Why? Well because he and my step-mom are getting divorced - again. They are a long story to say the least. When I was 14 my mom and dad got divorced. My dad had already been seeing my step-mom and within a month of the divorce being final he was married to my step-mom. My brother and I tried to ask him to wait a while before getting married and we were told no. So then when it came time the summer after senior year to tell them I was pregnant she was moving out and leaving my dad then. She threw a fit about me being pregnant and having just bought me new clothes because duh I was preggo and couldn't fit into my old stuff. They managed to get back together in a year and were remarried shortly after that. Evidently the fighting has gotten worse between them and she just can't live with him anymore. My dad just simply told my brother "see what I have to put up with." We of course were not shocked because we knew what an uber b**ch she is and have had her rants directed at us as well. As much as I have come to like her and get along with her now - I love my dad more and want him to be happy. Hopefuly this time they will work it out - however that ends up being I don't care. I'm worried about the girls and how they are going to take it because she has been their Grandma this whole time but is not a blood relation. I know they will miss her and want to spend time with her - but will she. Gah that is a long paragraph of venting! Ok I'm posting this now - Thanks for listening. :D

I have a few projects that I want to get done for swaps but they require me to a) finish other projects to get the needles or b) buy new needles. I decided to procrastinate a little. Just a little. :) But really I plan to attack at least one of the projects later to get the needles and get that swap box out.
As requested I am letting you all know that I posted an entry on the Mom's who rock blog. I went with the classic of Becca and the shopping cart and how the Meijer floor won. Complete with pictures because I have already proven that I am a mean mom who documents everything. Well what I can remember to that is. :)
I suppose I should get some breakfast in me soon. It was an early morning with trying to convince the hubby that not all coffee tastes like "burnt plant" to use his words. He made some yesterday and used what should have been - for me at least - a 16 cup serving of grounds! So to save my coffee maker I made it this morning....well I set the timer last night to make it this morning. But I did get up and add the chocolate syrup and silk to it for him. He is at the starter level where it has to have a TON of sugar to make it good for him. I just laugh because I used to be that way before discovering the flavored coffees.
On a different note my brother called me last night to let me know my Dad is selling his house. Why? Well because he and my step-mom are getting divorced - again. They are a long story to say the least. When I was 14 my mom and dad got divorced. My dad had already been seeing my step-mom and within a month of the divorce being final he was married to my step-mom. My brother and I tried to ask him to wait a while before getting married and we were told no. So then when it came time the summer after senior year to tell them I was pregnant she was moving out and leaving my dad then. She threw a fit about me being pregnant and having just bought me new clothes because duh I was preggo and couldn't fit into my old stuff. They managed to get back together in a year and were remarried shortly after that. Evidently the fighting has gotten worse between them and she just can't live with him anymore. My dad just simply told my brother "see what I have to put up with." We of course were not shocked because we knew what an uber b**ch she is and have had her rants directed at us as well. As much as I have come to like her and get along with her now - I love my dad more and want him to be happy. Hopefuly this time they will work it out - however that ends up being I don't care. I'm worried about the girls and how they are going to take it because she has been their Grandma this whole time but is not a blood relation. I know they will miss her and want to spend time with her - but will she. Gah that is a long paragraph of venting! Ok I'm posting this now - Thanks for listening. :D
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Life is simply crazy right now. I haven't cast on a new project, ok wait that is a lie..... I have cast on Bella's Mittens by subliminalrabbit but I don't know how to use the magic loop method and am debating using dpns vs to circular needles to complete them. So cast on and joined but nothing else.
Kids are off on break this week and will have another break around Easter time. So yay no getting up early except to push the hubby out of bed in the morning and then turn the alarm back off!
I came home from church this morning/afternoon and was too wiped out. I basically had lunch and then crashed until about 15 minutes ago. And I still feel tired. Hope I'm not coming down with something. :(
I've been asked to contribute on a new blog: Moms Who Rock. A friend of mine started it and it will ahve stories and articales posted from other moms. So if you check it out - I know I am posting the round brush story on there and another one about shopping carts and where kids should not sit in them. But haven't posted anything yet. :)
Kids are off on break this week and will have another break around Easter time. So yay no getting up early except to push the hubby out of bed in the morning and then turn the alarm back off!
I came home from church this morning/afternoon and was too wiped out. I basically had lunch and then crashed until about 15 minutes ago. And I still feel tired. Hope I'm not coming down with something. :(
I've been asked to contribute on a new blog: Moms Who Rock. A friend of mine started it and it will ahve stories and articales posted from other moms. So if you check it out - I know I am posting the round brush story on there and another one about shopping carts and where kids should not sit in them. But haven't posted anything yet. :)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Good grief
The van thing on Thursday was all because it was too cold to start that morning. Hubby started it when he got home and it started right up. hehe So he put this fancy heater thing on it so it would start on friday.
This morning I went and worked out for the first time at Jazzercise. I chose the Lite class cuz well I suck and needed to see how much work it would be. I'm glad I went with Lite because it kicked my butt. In a good way though. :) But the instructor said it takes your body 8 weeks to get used to the adjustment when you start working out....hmmmm 2 months. Well as long as I lose I'm ok with that. :) I'm a little sore right now but it was fun.
Knitting - I am almost done with the second mitt. I have one more repeat to finish and then the end ribbing before moving on to the thumb. Then I plan to tackle the mistake I made on the first thumb. I somehow managed to drop a stitch and then when I picked it up skipped a row and need to fix it. You can't really tell but I know it 's there and if they were just for me I'd say forget it but they are a gift so it's getting fixed! And a super happy thought - our knit group is now meeting every Tuesday night! I'll have to see how that works in the budget and if the hubby will let me out once a week instead of every other! :D
Thanks for the virtual hugs and kicks in the butt - love you guys!
This morning I went and worked out for the first time at Jazzercise. I chose the Lite class cuz well I suck and needed to see how much work it would be. I'm glad I went with Lite because it kicked my butt. In a good way though. :) But the instructor said it takes your body 8 weeks to get used to the adjustment when you start working out....hmmmm 2 months. Well as long as I lose I'm ok with that. :) I'm a little sore right now but it was fun.
Knitting - I am almost done with the second mitt. I have one more repeat to finish and then the end ribbing before moving on to the thumb. Then I plan to tackle the mistake I made on the first thumb. I somehow managed to drop a stitch and then when I picked it up skipped a row and need to fix it. You can't really tell but I know it 's there and if they were just for me I'd say forget it but they are a gift so it's getting fixed! And a super happy thought - our knit group is now meeting every Tuesday night! I'll have to see how that works in the budget and if the hubby will let me out once a week instead of every other! :D
Thanks for the virtual hugs and kicks in the butt - love you guys!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Well crap
So this week is pretty much the week from hell. Monday we had problems with the van starting - come to find out that a fuse was blown. Tuesday - work was the pits....we broke up 2 fights in the first 20 minutes of recess and had 2 shipped teeth in the same mouth. Wednesday - we learned that I cannot have caffeine within an hour of my kids getting home from school - the drive me batsh*t with the silliest things. Thursday - the van won't start yet again and OH JOY happy 10 years to me today.....just the way I wanted to spend our anniversary - being a taxi driver! And the kids tell me they are out of cereal. How are they out of cereal already? I did by one of the 2 lb. bags and another 1 lb. bag. Well when hubby opened the 2 lb. bag it kinda exploded all over the floor - lost about 1/3 of the bag. Still should ahve had enough to get through the entire week.....well my kids spilled about 2 bowls full of cereal as well. Again still should have had enough - oh yeah the kids pour their own cereal and then DON"T eat it all and of course have had milk in it and throw it out. *SIGH*
And yes I could fix the van with the money out of my check but that is going to fix the bumper of a car that I backed into in a parking lot and made sure to do the right thing and leave a note. Got that call on Monday of this week too - again *SIGH* Well I guess I have to drive the hubby to work this morning adn them drop the kids to school and then try to figure out how I am going to have enough gasoline to get him from work this afternoon as well. This is turning out to be such a happy day!
And yes I could fix the van with the money out of my check but that is going to fix the bumper of a car that I backed into in a parking lot and made sure to do the right thing and leave a note. Got that call on Monday of this week too - again *SIGH* Well I guess I have to drive the hubby to work this morning adn them drop the kids to school and then try to figure out how I am going to have enough gasoline to get him from work this afternoon as well. This is turning out to be such a happy day!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Where the heck did January go? Here I am thinking I still have some time but nope not a single bit left. Yikes! I have 2 swap packages to go out this month - preferably in the next 10 days as they should be to their destinations BEFORE the end of the month. I also have my 10 year anniversary coming up this Thursday. GAH has it really been that long! >.< And the middle monster turns 9 this month as well. And numerous other Girl scout events between the 3 yup 3 troops that all the girls are in. It's cookie time again - did I mention I am cookie mom for the youngest daughter's troop? SUPER busy is my life right now. So yeah this blog kinda slipped but hey I did manage to get 5 posts last month! Not that that really is a lot or anything, I'm just saying.......
And I just lost my train of thought because I left to do something else away from my blogger page......RATS! oh and it's dinner time anyways :)
And I just lost my train of thought because I left to do something else away from my blogger page......RATS! oh and it's dinner time anyways :)
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