Yeah it's been that since I last blogged.....anywhere. Lots of knitting has happened since then. New baby in the family (not mine my brother's) - A BOY!!!!!! So there are 5 girls & 1 boy grandchildren wise for my parents. A whole new kind of knitting has been opened to me - boy things. :)
What else... I've moved from working in the clubhouse at Jazzercise to actually working out because I am a class manager now. It's 3 days a week vs. 1 day twice. But I think that would kill me right now if I attempted doubles. Some of the ladies who do I swear are crazy....
We had to put our dog to sleep. :( She got sick one day & couldn't sit or lay down without needing help to get back up. She'd gotten an infection from something internal that was causing her to be sick. Then she got a fever but since we didn't know how long she'd had it most likely she had brain damage. :( So our sweet girl who was anywhere from 11 - 13 easily went peacefully & with the least pain possible. It's rough I still think that I need to let her out or back in sometimes. The cat is besides himself as his play buddy is now gone. But he's surviving & taken to attacking my screen door in attempt to get the falling leaves outside. LOL He's not the brightest cat obviously!
And it's fall here & back to school now for a month. The only issue I have with it is the new company who pays us instead of the school district. We get paid 2 weeks after the end of the pay period. I've never worked anywhere that is like that. It of course screwed up my budget for this past month but I'm learning to deal & playing catch-up where needed. Just frustrating and I know how to plan better for next school year.....when everything will be due before school even starts. ugh
Knits in progress: Bella mitts for my friend Jo - made in FFtC yarn in Bella colorway. Sackboy for Dana's cake - it's freaking huge! Hubby's scarf that is perpetually ongoing. Keep telling him that I'm going to teach him how to knit so he can finish it himself. HAHA
Kids growing like weeds. Hard to believe that I have kids in 7th, 6th & 5th grade this year. Why must they keep growing?!