Knitting - Keira's b-day dress is on hold at the moment. I am attempting to make a February Lady Sweater in time for my sister-in-law's wedding. I got a cute dress but well it's got small straps and we DO live in Michigan so I want to be warm if it's not that day. :) I also picked up another project that I hope to have done as soon as possible after the FLS - a comfort blanket for this project:
Nautical Yarn is the “clearinghouse” for the Ludington Chapter of Project Linus. We typically collect 100-200 blankets each year and deliver them to our local hospital for children who have been ill or injured.
This week we received a request from the Michigan National Guard. Camp Grayling, Engineering Company, Unit 1434 is requesting the help of Blanketeers from the Ludington Chapter of Project Linus. Two-hundred fifty (250) Michigan soldiers are being deployed this spring. These soldiers would like to give Project Linus blankets to their children for safety, security, and remembrance while Mom or Dad is gone for one or more years.
A total of 500 blankets are needed. While we don’t believe we can collect 500 blankets, we would like to assist with blankets for the more vulnerable age group, children between the ages of 4 and 10. Blankets must be delivered to Nautical Yarn by May 1 so they can be delivered to the soldiers prior to their deployment.
Please help with this endeavor to help provide security for the children of our Michigan volunteer soldiers.
Nautical Yarn and several yarn companies, especially Plymouth and Berroco, have generously provided FREE kits to help with this blanket drive. Stop by Nautical Yarn to pick up your free kit (while supplies last).
If you are able to make a blanket for this endeavor to help provide security for the children of our Michigan volunteer soldiers, it would be greatly appreciated
Please email info@nauticalyarn.comThe nice thing about this is that if local - they have kits with yarn for FREE how cool is that. If not local the suggested size is 3 ft x 4 ft in a washable yarn. And then it can be mailed to them as long as it's there by May 1, 2009. So I'm heading out tomorrow and going to pick up some more yarn (I know I know really don't have space for it now but hey I'm knitting it I swear!) for the blanket that I hope to get done in time.
Spinning - I still have roving on my spindles that I need to take off and set, and one to finish spinning that half of the roving before I attempt to ply for the first time. I bought more Sunshine Yarns roving last week. posting pictures below. I bought yarn this week and let me tell you was it hard to NOT buy at least 1 of everything that I loved!
As promised :D
Second Roving of Sangria - a little more orange but I love it!

Peach blossoms roving - yum!

Color Collection - Sangria, Wildflowers, Rainforest, Daffodils, Bitterroot, Spiced & Arctic

And a little something green for ordering on St. Patty's day - a St. Patty's Day mini skein. :)

Now back to cleaning!
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