Since we've just had Thanksgiving here in the US, I'm wondering what everyone is most thankful for this year. You don't have to be in the US or even celebrate Thanksgiving to answer. Just share with us! :-)
I am thankful for family and friends who despite how far away from each other we are that we keep in touch online weekly if not daily. I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food in my cupboards and money to spend on my family for Christmas this year. I am thankful for yarn and roving - to be able to have a skill that allows me to make something useful for those I love. I am thankful for a family that loves me no matter how cranky I am (or I love them no matter how cranky they are ;)). For my girls even when they are staying up past their bedtime on a school night..........brb must go rectify this. I am thankful for my cat and dog that they are safe in my house and not outside of worse (dog was from the shelter and cat was a barn cat). I am thankful to have a job even if it is only 10 hrs a week - it helps pay the bills. I could go on but I think I'll stop now.
Well this past weekend was interesting to say the least. Friday I'd planned to get up and head to Target to get a hard drive. Hubby bashed those plans because he wanted to get Guitar Hero III - the one with the 2 guitars for the Wii for $79.99. So I said ok - but you get to go out to get it. :D So since he ended up being on call for work on Friday but should be close to home in case he needed to head in - he went home on Thur night. He got up about 5:30 am and headed to Best Buy and got it and was home soon after. Said there was no one really looking at it there. New toy yay! More on this later.
So instead I took the girls and my mil to see Madagascar II at the movies. We'd had some gift cards for a theater up there for about 3 years now and I finally remembered to bring them with me on a trip! LOL The movie was cute and the girls were HILARIOUS when the music came on. They love the song from the first movie (and the second) "I like to move it". So of course when it started playing they started dancing in their seats. :D After the movie we went to Threadbear in Lansing *squee*. I bought some CoolSpun Cotton in 2 colorways, some roving to spin since I have made my second skein of yarn (woot!), something for my secret pal, some breast cancer awareness needles, and some super cute croc jibbets that are knit related! Pictures below of course. :)
My newest handspun yarn - Spunky Eclectic Rosebud Roving club May 2008. Single ply mostly worsted weight.

My take home from Threadbear. The girls loved the store dogs and were constantly petting them. :D

Saturday was lunch and then shopping - mostly wedding dress shopping for my sil who will finally change her name so there is less confusion - same first names as well as last except mine is hyphenated (now). Finally got home at 9 pm and promptly changed into pjs and sat with the hubby to play Guitar Hero III......until 2 am this morning. UGH I r sleepy but it was fun. Oh and I came home to find out how much clothes my hubby's grandma sent home with him OMG I think the girls have enough clothes now that next year they could almost not repeat an outfit the whole year. I have NO storage space which is what we told her after the last big batch we got. She said she will stop getting stuff but she loves spoiling them and the clothing is cheap to free where she works. Its a caring center with an overabundance of clothing at the moment.