So the cookie recipe while not written by my mom as it is older than her I am sure, it has the mom style of how to make the cookies. I found out later that when I'd asked about the missing temp and bake time the the reason it was missing was because the cookies used to be deep fried. Ok them! But my laugh today was looking over the ingredients and when they go in - 2 of them listed evidently don't get mixed in or so it read. LOL But they look like they turned out good and the first batch of glaze that I sampled since I did it wrong - tasted right. I even got a little festive and added food coloring to the glaze. :) Recipe below the pics if anyone wants to try them out. Oh and a random jack pic cuz he was extra silly today.

Aunt T's cookies
6 eggs
5 C Flour
1 C Sugar
1/2 C Oil
1 t Vanilla
1 t Baking Powder
Glaze - powdered sugar and water
Beat eggs until lemon colored (at least 5 minutes) and add sugar, oil and flour. (And vanilla - mix hte baking powder with the flour). You may not end up using all 5 cups of flour in the mix. But mizture should be slightly sticky. If large eggs, use more flour. Roll out in long roll 3/4 in. thick and 1 1/2 long (individual cookies - mine were smaller as they normally are when I get them from family). Bake until light brown. Glaze with powdered sugar and water mixture.
Bake temp 350 - 375 for 20 - 15 minutes. I was told 20 - 25 but when I put it on 375 15 min. was all was needed to NOT burn the bottom.
Things I learned with this recipe - my new hand mixer can only handle 3 C flour in the mix and then I have to hand mix the last C with a spoon in to the mix. Using an electric hand mixer does not take 5 min. to get the lemon color for the eggs. No matter how much flour you add - you still need to flour your hands when rolling the cookies. My family only uses recipes to know the ingredients not how to make the dish/cookies, etc. Enjoy and if it's still confusing contact me and I'll try to guide you through it. :)
Those look like crazy easter cookies!! :)
love cookies! I may start some crazed baking soon... and Jack is a cutie.
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